Best Champions to Ban in Arena Mode

Best Champions to Ban in Arena Mode

Best Champions to Ban in Arena Mode

Arena Mode is Riot Games’ latest game mode. It is intended to be quick, with 4 teams of 2 battling it out in a series of rounds. There are some top-rated and OP picks in this new game mode, even though Riot has made updates and buffed and nerfed some champions in the game.

Unfortunately, this “fun game mode” actually has a meta with it: resulting in some champions being picked in every round unless they get banned. As you can face mirror matchups, it’s not unheard of to find yourself playing against the same OP champion multiple times.

This is one of the reasons you should utilise your ban on one of these 5 OP Champions in Arena Mode to increase your chances of winning and prevent you from getting bored by seeing the same champions repeatedly.

We’ve made a ton of extra guides on Arena Mode already: you can find them over on the Mobalytics Blog.

Best Champions to Ban in Arena Mode

  1. Shaco
  2. Heimerdinger
  3. Kayn
  4. Taric
  5. Master Yi

Before we get into this article, we were able to create the list thanks to our Arena Mode Tier List, which shows off a ton of information to help you play, win and climb in Arena Mode.

1. Shaco

Shaco is the most banned champion in Arena Mode due to how annoying he can be to play against. He does well in this game mode due to his low cooldowns, W, and Ultimate. If he gets a good Augment, like the one that allows him to activate his Ultimate twice, he can be extremely frustrating and challenging to play against.

If you don’t like playing against Shaco in Summoners Rift, then you will hate playing against him in Arena Mode. His annoyingness, damage output and your reasons to uninstall this game are amplified by 10. Ban him if you’re not picking him.

Shaco Splash Crop

2. Heimerdinger

Heimerdinger is annoying due to his range, poke and, of course, his turrets. You must fight away from his turrets or destroy them first to take Heimerdinger down.

His turrets will be annoying to handle, so try to fight away from his turrets when possible. If you can destroy them, that will be better, as fighting away from his turrets is only sometimes possible. If you can kite and move around the map, it will make dealing with him more manageable. But I think it’s just better to ban him for now.

3. Kayn

The third most banned champion is Kayn. There are a few reasons for this, but the main thing is that he is a skirmish-heavy champion and will be harder to deal with as the game progresses. His Q has a shortish cooldown. He can also use his E + Q to get around the map.

Kayn’s versatility is something that should also be mentioned. He has a lot of different items he can build, and depending on the matchups, choose blue or red Kayn. He is a bit of a pain to play against, so ban him to save you some agro.

4. Taric

The thing with Arena Mode is that your build may not be super versatile unless you’re playing a tank. This is where Taric comes into play. It can be hard to beat Taric unless you buy healing reduction, or else he will out-heal all your damage.

Taric will empower himself and his ally: providing lots of CC, tanky stats, pretty much-unlimited healing, and an Ultimate that keeps them alive. As this is a skirmishing game mode, he needs to auto and will get a lot of healing.

5. Master Yi

Master Yi is the 5th most banned champion. He may not be the best early, but after a few rounds, some items under his belt and a good augment or two, he can dominate the games and bring his team to victory. He is a good scaler, and by the time teams start getting eliminated, he will be near max build and OP!

He has good synergy with many tanks and champions who are good in Arena Mode. Picking any tank works well with him. The two are a dominating duo, as Master Yi can dodge damage, enemy CC and much more with his Q.

Finishing Thoughts

If you don’t want to face the same champions in Arena Mode repeatedly, then start banning some of these champions in your next game. If you don’t intend to play any of them, ban them, as the enemy will pick one of them.

We’ve made more articles on Riots’ new Arena Mode, which you can find on the Mobalytics Blog.