What to Do After Beating the Diablo 4 Campaign (5 Recommendations)

What to Do After Beating the Diablo 4 Campaign (5 Recommendations)

5 Thing You Should Do After Completing the Diablo 4 Story

You finished the Diablo 4 campaign. Congratulations!

But uh, what’s next?

If you’re new to the series, don’t worry…because there’s a whole lot more in store. You’ve only scratched the surface!

In this guide, we’ll cover 5 recommendations you should be considering doing next.

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1. Unlock World Tier III: Complete the Cathedral of Light Capstone Dungeon

Diablo 4 world tier 3

Before we get into the good stuff, we need to unlock it first! A lot of the end game content is locked behind the Nightmare Tier, and in order to move on from Veteran, we must complete the Cathedral of Light Capstone Dungeon.

After the campaign, there will be a priority quest that leads you to this dungeon. The Capstone Dungeon is more expansive than ordinary side dungeons, and it will send you through various waves of enemies in order to complete it. If you aren’t already in World Tier II, be sure to set your active difficulty to Veteran, as completing the Cathedral of Light at World Tier I won’t count.

Once you’ve completed the Cathedral of Light, you can now increase the difficulty up to World Tier III: Nightmare. If you happen to be below level 50, unless you’re well geared, you may want to consider hanging around Veteran a little while longer. Greater challenges await in the Nightmare realm, so make sure you’re prepared!

2. The Tree of Whispers

Diablo 4 tree of whispers

The Tree of Whispers is one of the greatest ways to acquire new gear and additional materials in Diablo 4. They are somewhat reminiscent of Diablo 3’s Bounties, sending players off to complete various tasks that ultimately lead to a reward cache in the end.

Your goal is to go across the map and collect 10 Grim Favors. This involves taking part in simple quest objectives such as killing 100 monsters, scavenging to various quest landmarks, completing dungeons, and more. These tasks range in completion time and difficulty, offering smaller or greater Grim Favor amounts depending on the challenge. This gives flexibility to players who may not have the time to endlessly grind away. Plus, Grim Favors will be saved in case you need to stop part way.

Once 10 Grim Favors have been collected, you’ll be able to turn in for one of three randomly generated caches. Best of all, once the loot is acquired, you’re free to jump back in and farm some more!

3. Helltides

Diablo 4 helltide

Helltides are timed events that occur in various locations across the map. When a Helltide begins, four linked zones of the map will turn dark red for one hour. Throughout the Helltide you’ll encounter a greater density of monsters that have an increase in level and power, along with bosses that can roam throughout the area looking to hunt you down!

Defeating enemies within the region will award you Aberrant Cinders. These can be spent to unlock hidden chests known as Tortured Gifts, and these have a high chance of dropping legendary gear. If you can save up to 175 and track down the “Tortured Gift of Mysteries”, there’s a high chance you’ll loot multiple legendaries from this single chest!

Helltides are certainly a dangerous place to venture, but with high risk comes high reward! Be careful not to dive too deep into harm’s way, because dying comes at the painful cost of half your acquired Aberrant Cinders. Ouch!

Note: Aberrant Cinders can not be saved between Helltide events.

Once the event ends, there will be a one hour and fifteen minute cooldown before the next one begins. These are definitely worth the time, even if you can’t take advantage of the entire hour. Though if you get the chance to plan your game time around it, you’ll be in for some juicy rewards!

4. Nightmare Dungeons

Diablo 4 nightmare sigils

Nightmare Dungeons are the premier end game content in Diablo 4. These dungeons can range from level 1 to 100, with the latter being the pinnacle challenge. No matter which level you choose to enter, you’ll be faced with unique affixes that modify the experience. This helps keep dungeons fresh and differentiate them from their regular gameplay. Additionally, enemies come at a higher level, making Nightmare Dungeons ideal when trying to level up faster!

Even if you aren’t big into pushing the highest difficulty, Nightmare Dungeons allow players to power up their Glyphs, granting it exp on completion. Glyphs are a big part of making our characters more powerful with the Paragon Board, so you won’t want to skip out on Nightmare Dungeons!

5. PvP

Diablo 4 pvp

While PvP isn’t the forefront in Diablo, it can definitely be a good time for those who enjoy slaying more than just monsters.

PvP is limited to the Fields of Hatred; two of which exist on the map. Beyond hunting players, these PvP zones are still packed with demons and events that allow you to collect Seeds of Hatred. These function similarly to the Aberrant Cinders in Helltides. Once defeated, your Seeds of Hatred drop for other players to collect.

When you have acquired a fair number of Seeds of Hatred, head to the Altar of Extraction to turn start the ritual to turn Seeds of Hatred into Red Dust. But be careful, because other players will be notified upon starting the extraction ritual! Once collected, Red Dust is safe and will not drop on death. It can be spent on various items including transmogs, mounts, and weapons.

All that said, if your goal is to gain exp and find better gear, you’ll have a much better time doing any of the other end game content. But if you’re a fan of PvP, go for it!

6. Renown

Diablo 4 renown

Last but certainly not least, after completing the campaign, it’s never a bad idea to go back and grind that Renown. This is a key form of permanent power that can even be passed to future alt characters, including seasonal characters! It’ll definitely take time, but it’s hard to pass up the permanent stat boosts from the Altars of Lilith.

We’ve also received confirmation that as we move into the Season One patch, both the Altars of Lilith and Areas Discovered on the map will carry over to all future characters! This is a welcome change from the previous statement, in which we would still retain the stat boosts, but the map would still reset.

Completing every region’s Renown will be quite the journey, so be sure to mix things up and jump into other end game content!

For the best end-game builds by top players, head to our Diablo 4 builds site!