How To Play League Of Legends - League of Legends articles - Mobalytics Personal Performance Analytics for Competitive Gamers Tue, 15 Aug 2023 19:19:36 +0000 en-US hourly 1 League of Legends 13.16 Patch Notes Breakdown Tue, 15 Aug 2023 07:11:39 +0000 League of Legends 13.16 Patch Notes Breakdown Welcome to our patch notes breakdown for League of Legends Season 13! Let’s break down all the new changes in LoL coming this week. We recommend following along with the official 13.16 patch notes since we won’t be listing all the specific stat changes, but rather, focusing on […]

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League of Legends 13.16 Patch Notes Breakdown

Welcome to our patch notes breakdown for League of Legends Season 13!

Let’s break down all the new changes in LoL coming this week.

We recommend following along with the official 13.16 patch notes since we won’t be listing all the specific stat changes, but rather, focusing on the impact of the changes and the champions updated place in the current meta.

If you’re wondering how these changes will affect the meta, check out our LoL champion tier list!

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Buffs, Nerfs and Adjustments

Akali (buff)

  • Q damage increased, and the energy cost is decreased. This is good for Akali in both the Top and Mid lane.

Brand (buff)

  • Passive mana restore is increased.
  • Q and E AP ratio are increased. He will be better in the Mid and Support roles.

Caitlyn (buff)

  • Headshot stacks required reduced.

Ekko (buff)

  • Q damage and slow are both increased.
  • W base shield is increased.
  • These buffs will help him in both the Mid and Jungle roles.

Karma (buff)

  • Q AP ratio increased.
  • The ultimate cooldown is reduced in later ranks.

Lucian (buff)

  • Passive damage increased.

Lulu (buff)

  • Base health increased.
  • Q and E AP ratio are both increased.

Malzahar (buff)

  • E damage adjusted

Milio (buff)

  • Q damage is changed, and the AP ratio is increased.
  • His E shield strength is increased.

Naafiri (nerf)

  • Base stats adjusted.

Nidalee (buff)

  • E now scales with AD

Rek’Sai (nerf)

  • Q damage is adjusted.

Shaco (nerf)

  • His base stats are nerfed.
  • W mana cost increased at all ranks.
  • Overall, this nerf will impact him in both in the Jungle and Support roles.

Shyvana (nerf)

  • W damage is adjusted.

Sylas (buff)

  • Base stats increased.
  • He will be better in both the Jungle and Mid lane.

Tristana (nerf)

  • Base health reduced, but her armor is increased.
  • Armor growth is also increased, but magic resistance is reduced.

Wukong (buff)

  • Base stats adjusted.
  • Q and W cost are reduced.
  • These buffs will help him in both the Top and Jungle roles.


Axiom Arc

  • Cooldown refund is increased. Don’t understand why, though.

Duskblade of Drakthharr

  • Cooldown is increased, the damage is changed, and overall is basically a new item.

Prowler’s Claw

  • Cooldown is adjusted, and the amount of AD is changed too.

Serpent’s Fang

  • Lethality increased.

Umbral Glaive

  • Lethality increased.

Thank you for reading, we hope you enjoyed this patch breakdown. How do you feel about this patch? Let us know in the comments. As always, if you have any questions, find us in our Discord!

The post League of Legends 13.16 Patch Notes Breakdown appeared first on Mobalytics.

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League of Legends Tier List Patch 13.16. Best League of Legends Champions to Climb with in Solo Queue Tue, 15 Aug 2023 05:15:18 +0000 Welcome to the Mobalytics Predictive Tier List for League of Legends for Patch 13.16! Are you ready for the Patch 13.16 Tier List by Mobalytics? Our panel of experts has you covered for every role and rank. Below, you’ll find our two League of Legends champion tier lists, one for general ELO (Bronze up to […]

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Welcome to the Mobalytics Predictive Tier List for League of Legends for Patch 13.16!

Are you ready for the Patch 13.16 Tier List by Mobalytics?

Our panel of experts has you covered for every role and rank.

Below, you’ll find our two League of Legends champion tier lists, one for general ELO (Bronze up to high Plat/low Diamond) and one for high ELO (high diamond up).

LoL Tier List 13.16

Click the icons for champion builds, counters, and more!

Latest Champion

ADC (God Tier)

For everybody else, we have prepared much more:

Jump to General LoL Tier List

Jump to High-ELO LoL Tier List

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If you have any questions about our choices or process, ask us on Discord!

Now that you know the best champions for LoL, get the best champions for Teamfight Tactics with our TFT tier list or Wild Rift with our Wild Rift tier list.

We also have a best decks tier list for LoR and an agent tier list for Valorant.

Methodology TLDR:

  • Our first tier list aimed at lower ELO, specifically Bronze up to high Plat/low Diamond. Our second tier list is for high ELO, aimed at Diamond 2 and above.
  • Our experts curate these picks and are an indicator of the champion’s inherent strength when played at the highest level. For many of the user base, this information isn’t super relevant for their games but provides invaluable insight into the game itself.

Let’s say you’re debating between learning and climbing with Jax (A-tier | Simple) or Rengar (A-tier | Severe) – you’re going to want to go with Jax. Why? This is because Jax has a lower skill floor and would require less games to play at an A-Tier level in solo Queue. If you tried to pick up Rengar, you wouldn’t get the full value of A-tier until after about 15 matches of practice whereas with Jax, you would get that full 15 every time you play him.

General LoL Tier List for Patch 13.16

LoL Tier List Patch 13.15

Jump to High-ELO Tier List

Best Top Laners for Low Elo:

Tier Champions
Optimal (S-tier) Camille, Darius, Fiora, Garen, Illaoi, Malphite, Maokai, Olaf, Poppy, Quinn, Renekton
Great (A-tier) Aatrox, Akshan, Cho’Gath, Dr Mundo, Irelia, Kayle, Kled, Mordekaiser, Naafiri, Nasus, Ornn, Pantheon, Rengar, Riven, Singed, Urgot
Good (B-tier) Gangplank, Gwen, Jax, Jayce, K’Sante, Rumble, Sett, Shen, Sion, Tahm Kench, Teemo, Vayne, Volibear, Warwick, Wukong, Yone

Best Junglers for Low Elo:

Tier Champions
Optimal (S-tier) Ekko, Evelynn, Fiddlesticks, Ivern, Jarvan, Kayn, Kha’zix, Kindred
Great (A-tier) Bel’Veth, Graves, Hecarim, Lillia, Maokai, Master Yi, Nidalee, Nocturne, Poppy, Rammus, Rek’sai, Rengar, Shaco, Shyvana, Udyr, Zac
Good (B-tier) Amumu, Diana, Elise, Gragas, Karthus, Lee Sin, Nunu, Sejuani, Skarner, Sylas, Taliyah, Talon, Trundle, Viego, Volibear, Warwick

Best Mid Laners for Low Elo:

Tier Champions
Optimal (S-tier) Cassiopeia, Fizz, Naafiri, Neeko, Pantheon, Swain, Talon, Vladimir, Zed
Great (A-tier) Ahri, Akshan, Anivia, Aurelion Sol, Diana, Ekko, Irelia, Katarina, Lux, Qiyana, Sylas, Taliyah, Xerath, Yasuo, Yone, Zoe
Good (B-tier) Akali, Annie, Galio, Heimerdinger, Jayce, Kassadin, Leblanc, Lissandra, Malzahar, Orianna, Syndra, Twisted Fate, Veigar, Vex, Viktor

Best ADC for Low Elo:

Tier Champions
Optimal (S-tier) Ashe, Ezreal, Kai’sa, Karthus
Great (A-tier) Caitlyn, Draven, Jhin, Kog’maw, Lucian, Miss Fortune, Nilah, Seraphine, Twitch, Vayne, Xayah
Good (B-tier) Yasuo, Aphelios, Jinx, Kalista, Samira, Sivir, Tristana, Varus, Veigar, Zeri, Ziggss

Best Supports for Low Elo:

Tier Champions
Optimal (S-tier) Janna, Maokai, Nautilus, Rakan, Rell, Soraka, Thresh, Xerath, Zyra
Great (A-tier) Alistar, Amumu, Annie, Blitzcrank, Braum, Leona, Lux, Milio, Neeko, Pyke, Senna, Sona, Taric
Good (B-tier) Zilean, Bard, Brand, Heimerdinger, Karma, Lulu, Morgana, Nami, Renata Glasc, Seraphine, Swain, Twitch, Vel’koz, Yuumi

Expert pick commentary

To see all the explanations for our expert picks and more, head to our tier list feature!

LoL Tier List feature example

Top – Renekton

  • Renekton is in a fantastic spot across all ranks, boasting excellent early game damage and reliable gank setup with his stun.
  • Once ahead, Renekton becomes challenging to deal with, drawing pressure to the top lane and taking down multiple enemies by himself.
  • He is simple to play and easy to be impactful on, making him a great pick this patch.

Jungle – Kha’Zix

  • Kha’Zix remains untouched in the latest patch, showcasing his potent capabilities as a champion.
  • He delivers insane damage, particularly against isolated targets, and can quickly eliminate carries with his leaping abilities.
  • The combination of stealth and movement speed makes him a formidable threat, and if he gets ahead, few champions can counter him.
  • Regardless of your rank, Kha’Zix is a great choice if you want to carry and dominate the game.

Mid – Swain

  • Swain is not as popular as he deserves to be, but his statistics show a surprising number of wins across all ranks.
  • He is easy to learn, yet his kit has the potential to carry games effectively.
  • Swain can bully lanes with his poke and set up ganks with his crowd control (CC).
  • In extended fights over objectives or skirmishes, he feels powerful due to the sustain and damage from his ultimate.

Bottom – Ashe

  • Ashe remains untouched this patch, making her a top choice for the bot lane.
  • She can dominate lanes with her volleys and auto attacks, and her slows and ultimate allow for easy setup of fights.
  • Ashe delivers insane damage in the later stages of the game and becomes challenging to escape from if she gets ahead due to her relentless slows.
  • Even when behind, she provides utility with her Arrow and hawk shots, ensuring she remains useful throughout the game.

Support – Nautilus

  • Nautilus is an excellent choice to carry from the support role this patch.
  • He can dominate bot lanes with early hooks and fights or roam and gank other parts of the map.
  • His Q’s hitbox is difficult to dodge, and his ultimate and passive provide a significant amount of hard crowd control that is challenging for opponents to deal with.
  • Nautilus synergizes well with numerous AD Carries, making him a versatile pick that can be chosen frequently.

High-ELO LoL Tier List for Patch 13.16

High ELO LoL Tier List Patch 13.15

Jump back to the general tier list

Best Top Laners for High Elo:

Tier Champions
Optimal (S-tier) Jax, Olaf, Rengar, Aatrox, Poppy, Riven, Fiora, Camille, Renekton, Irelia
Great (A-tier) Akshan, Gangplank, Kled, Malphite, Ornn, Pantheon, Quinn, Rumble, Sylas, Vayne, Illaoi, Jayce, K’Sante, Darius, Singed, Yone
Good (B-tier) Volibear, Warwick, Tryndamere, Vladimir, Gragas, Urgot, Nasus, Cho’Gath, Shen, Kayle, Garen, Sett, Wukong, Yasuo, Kennen, Gwen

Best Junglers for High Elo:

Tier Champions
Optimal (S-tier) Evelynn, Graves, Kayn, Kha’zix, Kindred, Nidalee, Taliyah
Great (A-tier) Bel’Veth, Fiddlesticks, Gragas, Hecarim, Jarvan, Karthus, Rengar, Lee Sin, Nunu, Shaco, Rek’sai, Ivern, Viego, Zac, Ekko, Poppy
Good (B-tier) Diana, Xin Zhao, Elise, Lillia, Maokai, Master Yi, Nocturne, Udyr, Rammus, Skarner, Talon, Volibear, Trundle

Best Mid Laners for High Elo:

Tier Champions
Optimal (S-tier) Cassiopeia, Neeko, Taliyah, Zed, Talon, Qiyana, Akshan, Zoe, Yasuo, Jayce
Great (A-tier) Anivia, Aurelion Sol, Irelia, Leblanc, Naafiri, Pantheon, Rumble, Swain, Syndra, Vladimir, Kassadin, Sylas, Yone, Ahri, Katarina, Xerath
Good (B-tier) Akali, Annie, Azir, Diana, Lux, Orianna, Ryze, Twisted Fate, Viktor, Lissandra, Tristana, Fizz, Ekko, Vex

Best ADC for High Elo:

Tier Champions
Optimal (S-tier) Ashe, Draven, Ezreal, Kai’Sa, Karthus
Great (A-tier) Caitlyn, Jhin, Miss Fortune, Seraphine, Twitch, Xayah, Yasuo, Zeri, Vayne, Lucian, Nilah
Good (B-tier) Aphelios, Jinx, Kalista, Kog’maw, Sivir, Varus, Ziggs, Samira, Tristana

Best Supports for High Elo:

Tier Champions
Optimal (S-tier) Janna, Rakan, Rell, Thresh, Poppy, Pyke
Great (A-tier) Alistar, Senna, Taric, Soraka, Nami, Xerath, Bard, Maokai, Milio, Neeko, Zyra, Leona, Blitzcrank, Nautilus
Good (B-tier) Amumu, Annie, Heimerdinger, Karma, Lulu, Lux, Renata Glasc, Seraphine, Sona, Zilean, Braum

Top – Camille

  • Camille has been a formidable force in high elo and is getting even stronger with the recent buffs in this patch.
  • She becomes a fantastic pick in the hands of skilled players, with a wide array of defensive and offensive tools at her disposal.
  • When ahead, Camille can be nearly unbeatable, thanks to her ability to isolate and assassinate enemy carries, as well as shred tanks with her Q.
  • Mastering Camille can lead to dominating performances and versatility in various situations.

Jungle – Taliyah

  • Taliyah’s recent buffs are strengthening her performance in the jungle and overall as a champion.
  • Skilled Taliyah mains can be terrifying to face due to her insane burst damage from W/E combos and consistent DPS with her Q.
  • Her ultimate allows her to quickly join any fight, and she can use terrain manipulation to cut off teams and secure objectives effectively.
  • Mastering Taliyah requires practice, but in capable hands, she becomes one of the top-tier champions.

Mid – Qiyana

  • Qiyana stands out as one of the top assassins, especially in high elo, and continues to be a formidable presence in the meta.
  • This patch, she has regained her strength and is proving her dominance on the rift.
  • Qiyana excels at stomping lanes with one-shot combos and burst damage, as well as roaming and ganking to impact the entire map.
  • Her versatility shines through with the elements on her W/Q, making her adept at both setting up ganks and evading them.
  • If you have a liking for Qiyana and can play her skillfully, now is the opportune time to take advantage of her power.

Bottom – Draven

  • Draven remains one of the top AD Carries in the current meta and is not expected to be nerfed anytime soon.
  • He is the ultimate snowballing AD Carry, thanks to his passive, which is designed for rapid advancement.
  • Draven excels at dominating lanes with his early game damage, and if he gets ahead, his spinning axes can one-shot opponents who attempt to challenge him.

Support – Thresh

  • Thresh is currently experiencing a highly successful season, and there are no upcoming changes that should affect his performance.
  • He stands as one of the top supports in the game, particularly in higher ranks.
  • Thresh’s versatile kit allows for creative outplays and game-changing moments.
  • He can carry games with well-timed hooks and flays or provide crucial defensive support with his lantern.
  • Thresh offers engage, peel, utility, and everything a support requires to make a significant impact in any match.
  • For those who can utilize his abilities effectively, he proves to be an excellent choice in this patch.

Disclaimer #1: If a champion isn’t on our LoL Tier List, it doesn’t necessarily mean that you can’t climb with them. You’ll just have to put in more effort to get similar results as our Optimal, Great, and Good choices for climbing.

Disclaimer #2: This list is meant to evaluate the champions that we believe are best for climbing Solo Queue. Although there can certainly be some overlap, we are NOT looking to name the champions that are the best in pro-play or organized, competitive 5-on-5. This is why champs that require a ton of team coordination such as Ryze, may not be included or ranked highly.

As always, we welcome all discussion and feedback. If you have any questions about picks that we didn’t expand on or would like to let us know how you feel about Patch 13.16 and our predictions in general, join us in our Discord! If you’re wondering how we make our tier list, check out our video explanation.

The post League of Legends Tier List Patch 13.16. Best League of Legends Champions to Climb with in Solo Queue appeared first on Mobalytics.

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5 Best Duos With Kai’Sa in League of Legends Arena Mode Sun, 13 Aug 2023 07:20:42 +0000 5 Best Duos With Kai’Sa in League of Legends Arena Mode Kai’Sa is one of the most dominant ADC’s in League of Legends right now with her versatile build path, strong all-in and captive play style. In Riot Games’ latest game mode, Arena Mode, she stands out to be one of the most popular picks. […]

The post 5 Best Duos With Kai’Sa in League of Legends Arena Mode appeared first on Mobalytics.

5 Best Duos With Kai’Sa in League of Legends Arena Mode

Kai’Sa is one of the most dominant ADC’s in League of Legends right now with her versatile build path, strong all-in and captive play style. In Riot Games’ latest game mode, Arena Mode, she stands out to be one of the most popular picks.

She has great synergy with a ton of other dominant champions that are usually picked or banned, and she can adapt her playstyle according to the board she is played on, and the allies she is playing with.

In this article, we shall break down 5 of the best duos you should pick with Kai’Sa in League of Legends Arena Mode. If you want to learn more about the best synergies in Arena Mode, head over to the Mobalytics Blog.

5 Best Duos With Kai’Sa in League of Legends Arena Mode

We used our own data for this article, and at the time of writing it, these were the most popular picks. For live, up-to-date data, head over to the Arena Mode section at Mobalytics!


Kai’Sa and Alistar are a great combo in League of Legends in general. The two are commonly picked together on Summoners Rift, and thankfully they’re both really good with one another in Arena Mode too.

Alistar CC tools will apply stacks of Kai’Sa’s Passive on to the targets, which is good because it increases her damage output and their chances of getting early kills. Any benefits that the two have in Summoners Rift apply to Arena Mode. Both are great champs, so why not give them a go?


Sett is the second most popular champion to pair with Kai’Sa. While these two are no longer dominant in Solo Queue or Pro Play, they are good in Arena Mode and can constantly fight the enemy. Just like Alistar, Sett has 2 ways of applying her Passive to targets.

A cool thing you can do with this combo is Sett can Ult one of the enemies away from the other, and then Kai’Sa can Ult them so they take down that target first. Isolating targets also increases the damage output from her Q too.


Warwick’s data is slightly skewed because he is a very good pick, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t work well with Kai’Sa, as they’re both very strong in Arena Mode. But, like the rest of the champions on our list, Warwick can apply stacks of her Passive on targets to increase her damage output.

The thing with Warwick is that he will be tanky, but he also deals a lot of damage and has a lot of sustain. Not many teams will build healing reduction, especially early so he can usually out sustain all the incoming damage. In this duo, he will tank all the damage while she stands behind him and dishes out the damage.


Taric and Kai’Sa isn’t a great duo in Summoners Rift as they want different things in the laning phase, but in Arena Mode the two are quite good with one another. Taric will soak up all the damage, while Kai’Sa dishes out the damage. Like everyone else, he can also apply her Passive to targets.

This combo requires Taric to put additional points in his Q for unlimited healing. As he will keep auto-attacking, he can spam Kai’Sa with health and sustain so she stays alive and can deal long-term damage.


Jax is the final champion on our list, but there are a ton of other good picks you can duo with Kai’Sa in this game mode! Jax will be quite tanky, which is great for the Kai’Sa, but the difference is that he will also be tanky: tanky while dealing damage which is great in Arena Mode!

To play this duo, they need to play with one another and focus on the same target. Jax needs to be in front, while she deals damage from afar and out of range of the enemy’s damage and CC. Kai’Sa can use her Ultimate to close the gap between her and her enemies if Jax lands a good E on one of them.

Final Thoughts

Kai’Sa is one of the most popular champions in Arena Mode and League in general right now. Who do you like to pick with Kai’Sa in Arena Mode? Is there a hidden OP Champion you think we should cover next? Let us know!

For more Arena Mode articles, head over to the Mobalytics Blog.

The post 5 Best Duos With Kai’Sa in League of Legends Arena Mode appeared first on Mobalytics.

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5 Best Duos with Annie in League of Legends Arena Mode Sat, 12 Aug 2023 08:00:39 +0000 5 Best Duos with Annie in League of Legends Arena Mode After Annies rework this year, her popularity has definitely increased in both the Support and Mid roles. She is still incredibly easy, and one of the best beginner champions in the game. Annie in Arena Mode is a great pick who has great synergy […]

The post 5 Best Duos with Annie in League of Legends Arena Mode appeared first on Mobalytics.

5 Best Duos with Annie in League of Legends Arena Mode

After Annies rework this year, her popularity has definitely increased in both the Support and Mid roles. She is still incredibly easy, and one of the best beginner champions in the game. Annie in Arena Mode is a great pick who has great synergy with many different champions in the game mode.

She is definitely a pick or ban champion, and if she is left up in champion select, you’ll see at least 1 team picking her. If you ever see her open, why not try giving her a go and picking one of these 5 champions to pair with her to get a victory under your belt!

In this Mobalytics article, we will break down 5 champions who are amazing duos, the best duos with Annie in Arena Mode. If you enjoy this article, make sure you check out some of the other Arena Mode articles we’ve made recently.

5 Best Duos with Annie in League of Legends Arena Mode

We used our own data for this article, and at the time of writing it, these were the most popular picks. For live, up-to-date data, head over to the Arena Mode section at Mobalytics!


Having a pet is great in Arena Mode, and Ivern has his Daisy. The two of them will spawn their pets in, let them go in first and then quickly follow while peeling, shielding one another and damaging the enemy.

In the late game, they have a lot of damage and shielding, too, so it’s pretty hard to kill both their champions and their pets. The healing, shielding and damage make the pairing a late-game monster.


Yorick also has a pet, and the Maiden is a powerful ability to pair with Annie. They will spawn their Ultimates and continue trying to attack the enemy. Yorick can spawn multiple ghouls too, which will help to deal damage to the enemy.

In this comp, Annie buffs up the Yorick to keep him alive while he deals damage. She gives him her shield, and then he keeps auto-attacking, using his Q to spawn more allies and slowly take the enemy down.


Warwick is one of the strongest champions in the game, and it is hard to counter him without having CC and healing reduction. In the early game, these two work well together as she can keep him alive with her shield.

In the later rounds, he goes in, and they layer CC on the enemy team. She continues to peel for him while he auto-attacks and deals damage. They move around the map and slowly take the enemy down. The good thing is that only a few teams will build healing reduction, so the two can keep going at it and out healing all the damage.


Annie is such a versatile champion in general, and when she is paired with a Jax, she locks targets down and buffs them up with her shield to keep them alive while he auto-attacks and kills them.

Jax is hard to kill in general with his Q and E. His Q can help him jump on, escape, and also jump to the plants, while his E blocks auto-attacks and damage. He can deal tons of damage via autos, so he just needs to keep auto-attacking the enemy until they die.


Kai’Sa is the last champion on our list. She is pretty good in Arena Mode and has a lot of damage. Annie has a stun, which will apply a stack to the target, which Kai’Sa can use to deal additional damage to the enemy.

The two have a lot of burst damage and can one-shot squishier teams in the earlier rounds. Annie can press R, and then Kai’Sa can go in with her Ultimate and Q. It’s good to mention that Annie will be pretty tanky, so she and Tibbers can soak up damage while Kai’Sa attacks for free.

Final Thought

That about wraps up this article on the most popular and best duos for Annie in Arena Mode. We hope you enjoyed and found it interesting. Who would you like to see next? Let us know below!

For more Arena Mode articles, head over to the Mobalytics Blog.

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5 Best Duos with Alistar in League of Legends Arena Mode Fri, 11 Aug 2023 08:53:34 +0000 5 Best Duos with Alistar in League of Legends Arena Mode Alistar is a dominant and tanky League of Legends Arena Mode champion. He is also one of the most picked and highest win-rate champions in the game. He has amazing synergy: working with many champions, and in this article, we will discuss why Alistar […]

The post 5 Best Duos with Alistar in League of Legends Arena Mode appeared first on Mobalytics.

5 Best Duos with Alistar in League of Legends Arena Mode

Alistar is a dominant and tanky League of Legends Arena Mode champion. He is also one of the most picked and highest win-rate champions in the game. He has amazing synergy: working with many champions, and in this article, we will discuss why Alistar is so good and why these champions work well with him.

You could technically pick anyone with him, but if you pick one of these 5 champions with Alistar in Arena Mode, you’re going to heavily increase your chances of winning the game. It will also really annoy the enemy too, so why not pick someone who works well with him?

So in this Mobalytics article, we will discuss 5 of the most popular and the best picks you should lock in with Alistar to win in Arena Mode. We’ve got a lot of other interesting articles about Arena Mode on the Mobalytics Blog if you want to find other interesting picks.

5 Best Duos with Alistar in League of Legends Arena Mode

We used our own data for this article, and at the time of writing it, these were the most popular picks. For live, up-to-date data, head over to the Arena Mode section at Mobalytics!


The first champion on our list is Poppy. Now this pick might surprise you, but Poppy is a hidden OP champion in Arena Mode when she is paired with a tank like Alistar. The two of them will be tanky and dish out a lot of damage over time.

When playing this pairing, focus on the same champion, particularly fighting near the walls so Poppy can push them into them. Try your best to layer CC tools on targets so it is easier to take them down. When the circle appears, knock them away so they start to burn!


Kai’Sa is the strongest ADC in the game right now, and her popularity in both Arena Mode and Summoners Rift is frankly impressive. Kai’Sa and Alistar have good synergy in Arena Mode, just like they do in normal Summoners Rift games.

Alistar has multiple CC tools which will apply Kai’Sa’s Passive to the target. This means his Q, W, and his E can all apply stacks, making it easier for her to activate her Passive and kill the target. Play close together to win the rounds!


Samira is one of the best ADCs in Arena Mode, and Samira + Alistar is a real combo you’ll find when playing League of Legends. Samira is obviously going to be the carry, while Alistar will be the frontline and soak up all the damage.

In this combo, you aim to peel for her and soak up the damage. Samira will just be auto-attacking and following up when you go in. This game mode is non-stop fighting, so she can easily activate her Ultimate quickly.


Vayne Alistar combo is the last ADC pairing we have on our list. As stated about the other champions, the two are a genuine combo you’ll find on Summoners Rift. Alistar will be the frontline and the tank, while Vayne dishes out all the damage.

For you to win playing this duo, you need to keep the Vayne alive as long as possible and protect them with your W and Q. The Vayne just needs to keep auto-attacking the same target and kiting the targets.


The final champion on our list is Singed. Singed and Alistar are a really powerful duo; they’re both tanky and have much damage. If Singed is able to get a good Augment like the one that burns, then he just needs to run around, and he will be dealing a ton of damage.

To play the Alistar and Singed duo, just focus on the same target and then keep hitting them with abilities and dealing damage to them while you pivot around the plants and move around the maps.

Ending Points

Alistar is a very popular champion in Arena Mode, so you can pick many different champions with him to perform well. This article discussed the 5 most popular/ best duos to pick with him. Who do you like to pick with Alistar with your friends in Arena Mode? Let us know below!

For more Arena Mode articles, head over to the Mobalytics Blog.

The post 5 Best Duos with Alistar in League of Legends Arena Mode appeared first on Mobalytics.

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5 Best Duos with Heimerdinger in League of Legends Arena Mode Thu, 10 Aug 2023 08:53:34 +0000 5 Best Duos with Heimerdinger in League of Legends Arena Mode Heimerdinger is one of the least popular champions in League of Legends Summoners Rift, even though he can be played in 4 of the 5 roles. Since the release of Arena Mode, his play rate has skyrocketed, and he has truly found his niche […]

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5 Best Duos with Heimerdinger in League of Legends Arena Mode

Heimerdinger is one of the least popular champions in League of Legends Summoners Rift, even though he can be played in 4 of the 5 roles. Since the release of Arena Mode, his play rate has skyrocketed, and he has truly found his niche in Arena Mode.

Heimerdinger excels in this new game mode thanks to his Turrets that deal a ton of damage over time. He is also a major counter to many of the other amazing meta picks in Arena Mode, which is a huge bonus to playing him.

In this article by Mobalytics, we will break down 5 of the most popular and best recommended champions you can pair with Heimerdinger to totally destroy the enemy and win the game. We’re working on a series of articles regarding this new game mode. You can find more articles like this on the Mobalytics Blog.

5 Best Duos with Heimerdinger in League of Legends Arena Mode

We used our own data for this article, and at the time of writing it, these were the most popular picks or had very good win rates together. For live, up-to-date data, head over to the Arena Mode section at Mobalytics!


Shaco is an annoying champion to deal with in Arena Mode, and so is Heimerdinger. This is why the two go hand in hand with one another in Arena Mode. If you’re new to Arena Mode, definitely give this pairing a chance!

Shaco will usually spawn his clone and then run into the enemy to start dealing damage. The Heimerdinger will follow up with poke damage and try to dish out damage. After that (or before, depending on how you want to play the round), the Shaco will spawn a lot of boxes around the map and layer the field like mines.


The next best duo with Heimerdinger is Zyra, who has a very high pick rate with Heimerdinger. The two will constantly bully the enemy from afar and poke the enemy down while pivoting around the map.

For the Heimerdinger and Zyra duo to work well, you need to poke and harass the enemy as much as possible with plants. Then if one of you land an E on the enemy, unleash all your abilities to get them low and kill them.


The Heimerdinger Teemo duo is quite strong in Arena Mode, sitting at one of the most popular pairings with Heimerdinger. These two layer the battlefield with Mushrooms and Turrets and deal damage from afar.

Unlike some other duos in arena mode, for this one you want to play it slowly to maximize Teemo’s Ultimate so he can place a few around the map. Once he’s placed a few, you must play around your turrets and the plants to get extra sustain and deal damage.


Jax is another highly picked champion in Arena Mode with Heimerdinger. These two are really good together, but let it be known that the stats may be slightly skewed because Jax is so powerful in this game mode.

Jax will be the frontline champion: using his Q and E to jump on and lock down enemy champions, while Heimerdinger uses his E and W to follow up and dish out damage. For this comp to work well, you need to watch your spacing and be close to one another.


The final champion on our list is Kayn, another popular champion in Arena Mode. If you’ve played any amount of Arena Mode, then you’ve probably come across these 2 in the past already.

To get this duo to work, you’ll need to play around the turrets and let Kayn be the frontline. He will need to adapt his form to the champions he will be versing. Naturally, Kayn will be quite tanky and soak damage while also dishing out damage. Heimer should just harass from afar.

Ending Points

Heimerdinger is a strong champion in Arena Mode and is really annoying to handle. If you pick him, just know you’re infuriating your enemies. When playing with a Heimerdinger, pick someone who is just as annoying as him!

For more Arena Mode articles, head over to the Mobalytics Blog.

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5 Least Picked Champions in League of Legends Arena Mode Tue, 08 Aug 2023 07:01:24 +0000 5 Least Picked Champions in League of Legends Arena Mode Arena Mode is the best new game mode Riot Games has created in a few years. It was played so much and was the perfect game mode for many as it was a short game mode that can be played with friends, you don’t have […]

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5 Least Picked Champions in League of Legends Arena Mode

Arena Mode is the best new game mode Riot Games has created in a few years. It was played so much and was the perfect game mode for many as it was a short game mode that can be played with friends, you don’t have to rely on random players, and it was a good way to learn new champions.

The only issue with Arena Mode is that you often find the same champions being played repeatedly as there is a form of meta in League of Legends Arena Mode. However, you may have never seen some champions in this game mode, and in this Mobalytics article, we will show you the 5 least-picked champions in Arena Mode.

If you no longer want to see these champions at the bottom of the list, download the Mobalytics App, load up a game and get playing!

5 Least Picked Champions in League of Legends Arena Mode

  • Sivir
  • Nami
  • Xerath
  • Rek’Sai
  • Ziggs

Please note, these champions may no longer be the least played, but were at the time of writing.

Sivir – 36,000

The least-picked champion in Arena Mode is Sivir who has only 36,000 games. Sivir is not a good champion in this game mode and is one of the worst ADCs. If you want a real ADC, play Kai’Sa instead.

In theory, Sivir’s spell shield is good in this game mode because it can block CC. Unfortunately, it is limited. Opponents often layer CC onto the enemy team, and Sivir cannot block CC. It also has a long cooldown.

Sivir’s power in solo queue is to push and poke: which is somewhat the opposite in this game mode as you want to commit to fights and get on top of the enemy. Let’s not forget that enemies can heal from your damage with the plants too.

Nami – 50,000

Utility Supports like Nami, Soraka, and Janna do poorly in these game modes. In contrast, tanks like Alistar or AP champions like Zyra do exceptionally well. Nami doesn’t deal much damage; if you pick her, it will be hard for you to impact the game.

The thing with Nami is that she relies on her ally to do the majority of the work while she peels, heals and helps them. This isn’t ideal in this game mode as the enemy will just focus her first, then take on their opponent. She is also incredibly squishy and easy to kill.

Support builds could be better in this game mode. It’s better to go full damage or full tank. Because she doesn’t have much success with either, she has to go utility, which doesn’t work well in this mode.

Xerath – 52,000

Even with Xerath’s recent buffs, his play rate in Arena Mode is terrible. But it is entirely understandable why people do not play him, as his kit and champion design is not cut out for these fast-paced game modes.

Xerath is quite like Sivir in some regards. He has skill shots and wants to poke the enemy down first. This is not good in this game mode, as the enemy will just dodge it or go and take the plants to regenerate.

He cannot use his Ultimate well in this game mode, as he has to channel it. If the enemy has CC, they can just interrupt him, which means he will get killed quickly (as he is squishy), and he will also miss out on a lot of damage; he has 3 abilities instead of 4 in Arena Mode.

Rek’Sai – 65,000

Out of all the champions on our list, I am a bit surprised by Rek’Sai being on the list. I understand why she is here, though, because she lacks any personality in this game mode, which is why she is the 4th least-picked champion.

The thing with Rek’Sai is she lacks either damage or tankyness. Unlike some of the champions in League and Arena Mode, she either goes full damage and is squishy, or she goes tanky and does nothing. This is one of the many reasons why she doesn’t get played.

In the current state of League of Legends, do you even see Rek’Sai much? She isn’t a popular champion and doesn’t get played, as there are way better champions out there that provide their team with more. It is the same in Arena Mode.

Ziggs – 66,000

Ziggs is the 5th least-played champion in Arena Mode. It’s pretty obvious why he is not played too much. He doesn’t see much play in Solo Queue anymore, and we rarely see him in the ADC role, which is where he dominated in previous seasons.

Ziggs wants to poke. His champion is designed that way, but unfortunately, he cannot do that in this mode as the enemy will either just dodge his abilities, or tank it, then go and get the plants to regen. It is unlikely he will get kills.

On the other hand, he is exceptionally squishy and prone to all-ins. This is not good in Arena Mode, as many teams will stack up on CC tools and quickly take him down. In short, he will get focused by tanks and killed instantly if you pick Ziggs.

Finishing Thoughts

Are you surprised by the champions on our list? I don’t think I have ever seen any of them being played my self, but I am still surprised regardless. Anway, we hope you found this article intriguing.

We’ve made a lot of additional articles on League of Legends’ new Arena Mode, which you can find over on the Mobalytics Blog.

The post 5 Least Picked Champions in League of Legends Arena Mode appeared first on Mobalytics.

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5 Best Duos with Lux in League of Legends Arena Mode Mon, 07 Aug 2023 08:53:33 +0000 5 Best Duos with Lux in League of Legends Arena Mode Lux is one of the most popular champions in League of Legends, yet she isn’t seen too much in Arena Mode. Why do you think she is really good and played often in Summoners Rift, but not in this new game mode? Let’s find […]

The post 5 Best Duos with Lux in League of Legends Arena Mode appeared first on Mobalytics.

5 Best Duos with Lux in League of Legends Arena Mode

Lux is one of the most popular champions in League of Legends, yet she isn’t seen too much in Arena Mode. Why do you think she is really good and played often in Summoners Rift, but not in this new game mode? Let’s find out!

First off, what makes her good in Summoners Rift is that she has a lot of poke and burst damage, but in this mode you don’t necessarily want that. Furthermore, she is quite squishy, which isn’t ideal in this game mode either.

Regardless, if you’re a Lux main you will still play her in Arena Mode! If you see your partner picking Lux, or if you want to know whats good with Lux, this article is for you! In this Mobalytics article, we will break down 5 of the best champions to pair with Lux in Arena Mode.

If you enjoy this article or want to learn anything extra about Arena Mode, make sure you check out some of the other Arena Mode articles we’ve made recently.

5 Best Duos with Lux in League of Legends Arena Mode

We used our own data for this article, and at the time of writing it, these were the most popular picks or they had a very high win rate together. For live, up-to-date data, head over to the Arena Mode section at Mobalytics!


Morgana is among the most popular champions to be paired with Lux in this new game mode. The two of them stick together and try to land their Qs on the target before the other one follows up and dishes out more damage.

This combo aims to nuke a target and provide each other with shields to protect each other. If you ever played against this duo in Solo Queue, then you know how annoying it can be to deal with. So it’s very similar in play style.


Sett is one of the strongest champions in Arena Mode. He is very popular, sitting at the most picked champion when creating this article. Sett works great with Lux, which means the two have a good chance of coming 1st in Arena Mode.

For this duo, Sett is the frontline and soaks up damage, while Lux provides him with shields and heals. He will look to E a target, and she will follow up with her Q, E and R to deal a lot of damage to the enemy. She needs to empower him so she can stay alive and dish out damage too.


Gwen is a weird pick in Arena Mode: she is either hit or miss, and I don’t really see her that often. However, she is a good pick with Lux in this game mode, and the two have a good play and win rate.

Gwen will be the frontline for the two and soak up the damage. However, Lux will give her heals. The issue with this combo is that they’re both AP, so if you’re versing tanks in the late game, they might adapt their build so they stack MR, which will make it harder for Lux to deal damage.


Warwick is another strong champion in Arena Mode. He is quite hard to beat because of the amount of sustain he has. Teams need to have either CC or buy items that reduce his healing. This can be good for you but bad for the enemies.

Lux’s role in this duo is to CC targets and extend the duration of Warwicks Ultimate. It also provides him with heals and shields to keep him alive for longer so he can tank more damage. Lux will also have a lot of damage, so she just needs to layer her CC and use all her abilities when he hits his Ultimate.


The final champion on our list is Samira, who works well with pretty much anyone with a CC tool. Lux only has 1 CC tool, but that’s not the end of the world as she can still utilise it. Samira will constantly be auto-attacking in this game mode, which makes it easier for her to activate her Ultimate.

Samira will be the frontline, but she has spells to protect herself with. As a Lux player, you’ll need to provide her with heals and shields to keep her alive and prevent her from getting executed by the enemy.

Ending Points

Lux is one of the most popular champions in League of Legends, but she isn’t so popular in Arena Mode. Why do you think she isn’t very popular in Arena Mode? Let us know why!

For more Arena Mode articles, head over to the Mobalytics Blog.

The post 5 Best Duos with Lux in League of Legends Arena Mode appeared first on Mobalytics.

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5 Best Duos With Sett in League of Legends Arena Mode Sat, 05 Aug 2023 07:00:07 +0000 5 Best Duos With Sett in League of Legends Arena Mode Sett is one of the most popular champions in Arena Mode. He is a very strong champion who has a lot of damage, multiple CC tools and great synergy with many other meta champions in Arena Mode. Despite his small nerfs, he is still […]

The post 5 Best Duos With Sett in League of Legends Arena Mode appeared first on Mobalytics.

5 Best Duos With Sett in League of Legends Arena Mode

Sett is one of the most popular champions in Arena Mode. He is a very strong champion who has a lot of damage, multiple CC tools and great synergy with many other meta champions in Arena Mode.

Despite his small nerfs, he is still a dominant force and is one of the best champions to pick in this game mode if you want to climb the ladder and hit those high ranks. While he is impressive, it is vital that you pick a champion that synergises well with him to increase your chances of winning the early, mid and late-game rounds.

This article will break down 5 of the best duos with Sett in League of Legends Arena Mode. We’ve already made a load of Arena Mode articles on the Mobalytics Blog, which you can find here!

5 Best Duos With Sett in League of Legends Arena Mode

We used our own data for this article, and at the time of writing it, these were the most popular picks. For live, up-to-date data, head over to the Arena Mode section at Mobalytics!


Kai’Sa is the most-played champion on Summoners Rift but isn’t the most popular champion in Arena Mode. Regardless, she is one of the best champions to pair with Sett. Kai’Sa will deal most of the damage while Sett holds the enemy off and tanks most of the damage. He will be going tanky while she builds whatever she needs and adapting her build accordingly.

Sett has multiple CC tools, which means he will easily apply her Passive to enemy champions, increasing their chances of getting kills. Remember when Sett and Kai’Sa were constantly picked in the bottom lane? Well, what made them strong there makes them strong here too.


Samira is a champion who works amazingly well with anyone with a CC tool. Sett has multiple CC tools on a low cooldown, which means they work wonders with one another. All these two want to do together is fight, fight and fight some more!

So as we said, Sett has 2 forms of CC. Samira can follow up with an auto-attack on the enemy to extend the CC duration and damage them a lot. She can also keep auto-attacking to get enough style points to activate her Ultimate. She may get her Ultimate off multiple times in a round.


Mordekaiser is one of the best champions in this game mode right now. He is very strong, so the stats are slightly skewed, but that doesn’t mean he and Sett are not winning together. They are a fantastic duo!

The cool thing about both these champions is that they can fight frequently and deal a ton of damage to their targets. They both have game-altering Ultimates that can isolate their targets: Sett handling the tank or Mordekaiser Ulting the enemy carry.


The fourth-best pairing right now is Sett and Warwick. As we’ve already established, Sett wants to fight: and so does Warwick. When picked together, these two just keep auto-attacking the enemy over and over again until somebody eventually dies.

Post 6, Sett can keep the enemy tank of the carry or the two of them can work together to take down the squishy champion first. All-in-all, these two are really strong and very simple to play together. Just keep auto-attacking and playing around with each other’s abilities.


The last champion on our list is Shaco. Shaco works well with Sett because Shaco is annoying to deal with as a whole. This is probably why he is picked or banned right now, and if he makes it through the banning phase, you’ll see him at least once.

Shaco will layer each round with many boxes. Sett can play around these boxes, pulling the enemy into them with his E or Ulting them with his R and throwing them into the boxes. The good thing with Shaco is that his clone does a lot of work too, so it is slightly easier to win rounds later on.

Ending Points

Sett is a very strong champion in Arena Mode, so you can pick many different champions with him to perform well. In this article, we discussed the 5 most popular/ best duos to pick with him. Who do you like to pick with Sett with your friends in Arena Mode? Let us know below!

For more Arena Mode articles, head over to the Mobalytics Blog.

The post 5 Best Duos With Sett in League of Legends Arena Mode appeared first on Mobalytics.

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5 Most Picked Champions in League of Legends Arena Mode Fri, 04 Aug 2023 07:08:47 +0000 5 Most Picked Champions in League of Legends Arena Mode Arena Mode, League of Legends’ latest game mode, has been out for quite a while now, and players adore this new game mode. It is yet to be announced if this temporary game mode will remain for longer, but we hope it does. Regardless of […]

The post 5 Most Picked Champions in League of Legends Arena Mode appeared first on Mobalytics.

5 Most Picked Champions in League of Legends Arena Mode

Arena Mode, League of Legends’ latest game mode, has been out for quite a while now, and players adore this new game mode. It is yet to be announced if this temporary game mode will remain for longer, but we hope it does.

Regardless of the status of Arena Mode, there have been a lot of cool things about this new game mode, such as it being a quick game mode and how it is a good way of practising new champions.

In this Mobalytics guide, we will talk about 5 of the most picked champions in Arena Mode. I don’t think this guide will surprise you as if you’ve played this game mode; you often see the same champions repeatedly. But if you wish to try any of these champions out in Arena Mode or in Ranked, head over to the Mobalytics Champion Page for tips and tricks.

5 Most Picked Champions in League of Legends Arena Mode

  • Sett
  • Kai’Sa
  • Shaco
  • Warwick
  • Jax

Please note, these champions may no longer be the most-played champions in Arena Mode, but they were at the time of writing.

1. Sett – 2,400,000

Sett is the number one most-played champion in Arena Mode. He is a strong duelist who can dominate early rounds and still be a threat as the game develops. If you’ve not tried Sett yet, you have to.

One of the reasons why Sett is so good in Arena mode is due to how much CC he has. He has his E early on, which is on a short-ish cooldown. Then when he has his Ultimate a few rounds later, he can knock away a target and isolate them.

Another reason is that he is naturally quite tanky and deals a ton of damage. Sett will build items that make him off-tank: tanky with a lot of damage. This is good in Arena Mode, as sometimes just having tanky stats isn’t enough to win a round.

2. Kai’Sa – 1,900,000

Kai’Sa is one of the best champions in Arena Mode, and subsequently, she is the second most-played champion. On Summoners Rift, she is usually accompanied by a Support, but that’s not always the case in Arena Mode.

Let’s get into synergy. Kai’Sa has excellent synergy with anyone with any form of CC, as she can easily apply her Passive and kill them. Kai’Sa’s natural state in Arena mode is also very strong, which is a massive plus to playing her right now.

In ARAM, in particular, you will often see Kai’Sa building AP items, and in Summoners Rift, you will usually see her have a mix of AD and AP for the ability upgrades. Her versatility in those game modes rains true in Arena Mode as well, and she can build a lot of different items depending on ally and enemy.

3. Shaco – 1,800,000

The next champion is Shaco, one of the most picked and banned champions in Arena Mode. There will be no jungle dif when picking Shaco in Arena Mode, but he will definitely be carrying regardless!

Shaco is one of the more frustrating champions to play against in this game mode because he can put a lot of boxes down, go invisible, and has a clone that is a pain to deal with. He is so hard to handle if he also gets some good augments.

Shaco has a lot of damage. While he may not look like he has a lot, the clone can deal a lot of damage. If you walk into a box or 2, you will struggle against him. Controllable Ultimates like Tibbers, Daisy, and Clone are a nuisance in this mode!

4. Warwick – 1,800,000

It’s been a while since Warwick has been a dominant force in League of Legends. But in Arena Mode, he has seen a lot of play and is one of the most picked and played champions.

Warwick is a dominant champion in Arena mode, and he synergises well with so many different champions in the current meta. Early on, he has a lot of damage and can constantly auto the enemy players. His Ultimate is a CC tool that can take someone out of the fight as the game progresses!

It can be difficult to counter Warwick unless you go for healing reduction and armour pen. He will be tanky and get quite a bit of sustain. Many teams do not build armour pen or healing reduction, so it will be hard for you to kill him.

5. Jax – 1,700,000

Last but most definitely not least is Jax. Jax is a dominant force in Arena Mode due to his aggressive playstyle and ability to synergise well with many others. Jax has great play-making potential, so give him a go.

Jax has perfect synergy with many champions, including Annie, who can constantly buff and keep him alive. He will be tanky anyway, but he will be hard to kill throughout all game stages.

Jax’s kit is powerful. He has a dash that can jump on the enemy. His E blocks incoming auto-attacks and is a CC tool. His Ultimate empowers him. He is a strong champion in Arena Mode.

Finishing Thoughts

Are you surprised by the champions on our list? Not me, personally, as I always see at least 1 of these champions being picked in every lobby, and if they’re not getting banned, then they’re definitely getting picked!

Speaking of bans, we have made other content around League of Legends’ new Arena Mode, which you can find over on the Mobalytics Blog.

The post 5 Most Picked Champions in League of Legends Arena Mode appeared first on Mobalytics.

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