Best Heroes in Overwatch 2: Tier List Rankings (Mid Season 5)

Best Heroes in Overwatch 2: Tier List Rankings (Mid Season 5)

Overwatch 2 Tier List Rankings – The Best Heroes

In this tier list, we’ve got you covered with the best heroes in Overwatch 2.

There were some balance changes for Season 5 but they weren’t super impactful.

However, there are definitely some shifts that occurred as a result.

Let’s dive in!

Here are our rankings for the best heroes in Overwatch 2:

Tier Overwatch 2 Tier List
  • Damage: Ashe, Tracer, Cassidy, Soldier 76
  • Tank: Junker Queen, Ramattra
  • Support: Ana, Baptiste, Kiriko
  • Damage: Hanzo, Sojourn, Symmetra, Junkrat, Mei, Reaper
  • Tank: D.Va, Sigma, Reinhardt, Winston
  • Support: Zenyatta, Brigitte, Moira, Mercy
  • Damage: Echo, Genji, Widowmaker, Pharah, Sombra, Bastion, Torbjorn
  • Tank: Doomfist, Wrecking Ball, Zarya, Orisa
  • Support: Lucio 
  • Damage: None
  • Tank: Roadhog
  • Support: Lifeweaver

For a visual reference of our Overwatch 2 tier list, check out our infographic below:

overwatch 2 best heroes tier list (mid season 5 update)

Note that the heroes are organized by difficulty for new players/beginners who haven’t tried them yet.

Orange represents a high/hard skill floor, Blue represents an average skill floor, and Green represents a low/easy skill floor.

Overwatch 2 Tier List Commentary

As always with our tier lists, we want to highlight that we believe that the player always matters more than the character you play as.

If you have an off-meta main that is working for you, by all means, no need to switch! Keep rocking it.

This list is more to understand if one of your characters is favorable in the current meta, or to help players that have run into a plataeu.

Quick Notes

Fundamental Differences from Overwatch 1

Since you’re here, there’s a good chance that you already know the core differences between Overwatch and Overwatch 2.

If not, know that there are some kit adjustments across the hero cast. Be sure to know what has changed for your hero pool before diving into ranked.

The other major change to know is that now, there are five players instead of six (sorry to all you sixth men and women out there). This means that there are now one tanks instead of two.

Although it depends on the comp and the map, in general, this means that there is a noticeable decrease in the amount of crowd control and shields in the game.

There will be less instances of just defaulting to deathball teamfights and more instances of skirmishes and duels that happen.

How tiers work

In S-tier, you’ll find the best heroes in Overwatch 2 which will be very present in almost all maps and comp combinations.

A-tier heroes are still great choices but tend to be present for fewer maps than S-tier characters in pro play. However, in some situations, A-tier characters might shine more than S-tier characters.

In B-tier, we’re continuing the trend of heroes that have lower overall presence and are even more specialized. Some heroes here are just worse versions or downgrades of heroes in a similar niche above them (such as Ashe usually being the better choice over Cassidy).

Lastly, we have the Situational batch of heroes in the C-tier section. These heroes are rarely seen in comparison to their peers and are usually pulled out for specific halves or holds on a very small pool of maps. If you’re having success with them, by all means, keeping playing them.

The Best Damage (DPS) Heroes

Tier Overwatch 2 Damage (DPS) Tier List
S Ashe, Tracer, Cassidy, Soldier: 76
A Hanzo, Sojourn, Symmetra, Junkrat, Mei, Reaper
B Echo, Genji, Sojourn, Widowmaker, Pharah, Sombra,  Bastion, Torbjorn
C None

Tracer has been a constant through most of Overwatch 2’s competitive life cycle. She’s definitely difficult to pilot but once you reach a certain threshold of mastery, her playmaking ability can be near unmatched.

tracer concept art tier list

Cassidy’s changes to his grenade serves to invalidate a the gameplans of many heroes, so we’re putting him back in S-tier due to his influence on the meta and because he was still on the A+ cusp when we bumped him down last time,

At lower ranks, Agent 76 will be the best choice for many players due to the ease of his execution, versatility, and auto-win ult preys on lower level players (just use it from a flank and you’ll usually get several kills due to players at these ranks lacking awareness).

The Best Tank Heroes

Tier Overwatch 2 Tank Tier List
S Junker Queen, Ramattra
A Sigma, D.Va, Reinhardt, Winston 
B Doomfist, Wrecking Ball, Zarya, Orisa
C Roadhog

Since his release, Rammatra has been a dominant choice for the tank role, even despite nerfs.

Since he can do it all, he has solidified his slot as an S-tier tank due to his ability to perform well on almost any map.

ramattra profile image

Junker Queen is the other S-tier tank and is still incredibly strong with this recent round of nerfs but shes still a force to be reckoned with.

The Best Support Heroes

Tier Overwatch 2 Support Tier List
S Ana, Baptiste, Kiriko
A Ana, Zenyatta, Brigitte, Moira, Mercy
B Lucio
C Lifeweaver

Baptiste, Kiriko, and Ana, with lamp, Suzu, and Nade, offer a ton of playmaking that allows them to outclass the other Supports at the moment. They have high ceilings in terms of skill expression and are a welcome sight in almost any team comp for any map.

kiriko profile image

When Brigitte’s changes were first announced for Season 4, many thought she would be gigabusted S-tier and easily one the best Overwatch 2 heroes due to her new ultimate which gives her a Reinhardt-sized shield and the return of her stun. However, she was bugged on release so her new look’s debut sort of fell flat, so we’ve tentatively placed her at A for now.

Lastly, we have Lifeweaver, who is still clunky and among the worst characters in the game even after his new round of buffs. He’s definitely better but still a niche choice for most maps.

Want to dominate the meta for other games? Check out all our other Mobalytics tier lists.