5 Best Champions in League of Legends Arena Mode

5 Best Champions in League of Legends Arena Mode

5 Best Champions in Arena Mode

Arena Mode is one of the best things Riot has recently created. It is a quick game mode where you team up with a friend and fight against 3 enemy teams in a battle to the death. In this game mode, you can pick whoever you want, but there are some champions that are naturally stronger than others.

Any champion can be good in this game mode, and it really depends on who you’re paired with, which Augments you pick up, and who you’re versing. It also comes down to the overall skill of the player. Someone mechanically gifted will perform better compared to someone who isn’t.

However, you may not be lucky to get the Augments you want, but if you find the right Augments when playing any of these champions, the game can be practically GG!

5 Best Champions in Arena Mode

  1. Sylas
  2. Rell
  3. Alistar
  4. Kled
  5. Pantheon

If you’re looking for more content on the new Arena Mode, we’ve made a lot of extra guides lately that can help you climb the ranks and get out of Wood League in Arena Mode!

1. Sylas

We are kicking off this list with Sylas! Sylas is a very good champion in the new game mode due to his overall damage output and his ability to steal away Ultimates from the enemies. Unfortunately, there is somewhat of a meta to this game mode, so you will face the same champions frequently.

The good thing is, Sylas can abuse their Ultimates and use them against them, and as the meta champions have extremely strong Ultimates, you can abuse him to get kills and win rounds! I advise anyone wanting to play Sylas to steal the champions whose Ultimate is stronger. Preferably, steal an Ultimate that scales with AP so you deal extra damage.

2. Rell

Rell is the next champion on our list. She recently received a rework, which makes her easier to play and stronger overall. If you haven’t tried her yet, why not master the combos in the new game mode as they’re quick and simple!

She has a lot of CC, and if you pair her with a champion like Samira, who can follow up with lots of damage and layer CC, you will win most fights. Enemies will be grouped in this game mode, making it easier for Rell to get combos off and lock them down with her Ultimate.

3. Alistar

I am including Alistar in this article because he is one of the most popular champions I’ve played with and seen when watching streamers. If you’ve played Alistar already in this game mode, you know how obnoxious he can be!

Alistar just needs to W>Q and lock down targets. He can also knock enemies out of the ring so they take extra damage, and he can also get them off the fruit so they do not get a shield or extra sustain. Post 6, he gets his Ultimate which makes him really hard to kill.

4. Kled

Fortunately, I have not had the pleasure of playing against Kled in Arena Mode yet, but I’ve seen how strong he is when streamers battle it off in Riot Games’ new 2v2v2v2 Arena Mode!

Kled is annoying to deal with because he has 2 health bars. When you dismount him, he just keeps auto-attacking you, and then he gets a ton of extra health, and you have to start over again. This is amplified in this game mode as he keeps auto-attacking the enemy. If you want to annoy your enemies, pick Kled and keep getting dismounted/ remounted.

5. Pantheon

The last champion I’d suggest you try out is Pantheon. Pantheon is really good in this game mode because he has several tools that make him deal a lot of damage and annoy the enemies. Firstly, his abilities will be empowered via his Passive, which makes him deal much additional damage. His CC tool is really annoying to deal with as he can pretty much lock you down for a long period of time.

He also has a shield to block incoming damage, which can keep him and his allies alive. When you reach a round, when you get your Ultimate, you can press R and then deal a lot of damage and all-in the enemies who are away from you. If you have another ally with a lot of sustain and is a tank, you can play around them tanky and soaking damage while you press R, charge towards them and deal a lot of AOE damage.


Sometimes playing the best champion, regardless of synergy with your other ally, is a good idea; we hope these 5 champion recommendations will help you enjoy Arena Mode and climb the ranked ladder. Who else do you think is really strong in Arena Mode and you’d recommend to your friends?

We’ve made more articles on Riots’ new Arena Mode, which you can find on the Mobalytics Blog.